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REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel

REF 2029 will deliver an expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the wide range of research, roles, and people that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s vibrant research system.

Purpose of the panel

The Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP), along with the People and Diversity Advisory Panel, will:  

  • advise the REF Steering Group on issues of diversity of research in the development and delivery of the exercise, acting as critical friends. 
  • advise on the development of REF 2029 assessment criteria and the delivery of assessment on matters relating to diversity of research. 
  • contribute to the REF 2029 assessment process. 

The RDAP will develop strategies to support the equitable recognition of diverse forms of research, including interdisciplinary, within REF 2029 development, delivery and assessment.  

We recognise that the work of the Research Diversity Advisory Panel will overlap, in places, with the work of the People and Diversity Advisory Panel, as matters concerning the diversity of research and the diversity of people are strongly interlinked. The two panels will work together where there is benefit in doing so. 

It will not be possible for advisory panel members to act as full REF panel members as there will be periods where deliverables will be due concurrently and where advisory panel members will be required to provide objective advice and contribution to criteria development and assessment. 

Terms of reference for RDAP panel members

Panel membership


Professor Alis Oancea, Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy, University of Oxford

Deputy chairs

Professor Dana Arnold, Professor of Architecture, Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Fiona Matthews, Pro-vice Chancellor Research and Enterprise, University of Hull

Panel members

Professor Dana Arnold, Professor of Architecture, Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Fiona Matthews, Pro-vice Chancellor Research and Enterprise, University of Hull

Panel members

Professor Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Professor of Economics, University of Birmingham

Dr Julie Bayley, Director of Research Impact and Culture, Northeastern University London

Professor Neil Chue Hong, Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice, University of Edinburgh

Professor Mark d’Inverno, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Goldsmiths, University of London

Professor Abigail Marks, Associate Dean Research and Professor of the Future of Work, Newcastle University

Professor Hugh McKenna, Professor Emeritus of Nursing, Ulster University

Professor Sara Perry, Associate Professor in Digital Public Archaeology, University College London

Professor Matthew Taunton, Professor of Modern Literature, University of East Anglia

Professor Debbie Tolson, Alzheimer Scotland Professor of Dementia, University of the West of Scotland